Office of Student Life

Buy a Membership

Purchase a membership online or you may visit the RPAC Welcome Center to purchase one. Monthly memberships paid via payroll deduction are after tax and can only be purchased in person at the RPAC Welcome Center. Some memberships are not available for online purchase. All memberships may be purchased in person at the RPAC Welcome Center. 

If you do not see the correct pricing for a spouse/partner or dependent through our online portal please call us at 614-292-7671 or email with the name of the main member and the additional person so we can update your account. 

Membership Types and Rates

Half-Semester Membership

Half-semester memberships go on sale at the half point of the semester, check our online portal to see if they are available.  

Ohio State Faculty and Staff

For those currently receive a paycheck from the university. Online sign up available when paying in full or by recurring credit card. Memberships paid by payroll deduction are after tax and must be purchased in person at the RPAC Welcome Center. Membership affiliation will be reviewed during any renewal process. 

Ohio State Faculty Staff and Student Spouse/Partner Pricing

*Monthly rate only available when paying annual membership by payroll deduction or recurring credit card payments. 

*Memberships may be purchased online or in person at the RPAC Welcome Center.

Faculty/Staff Using a Tuition Benefit

Faculty/Staff using the tuition benefit (fee waiver) for classes are eligible to purchase the student semester membership for $130. Please visit the RPAC Welcome Center to sign up.*This membership must be purchased in person at this time.

Rates Effective August 1, 2024 Semester Annually Monthly*
Student (not assessed Rec Fee) $130 Not Eligible Not Eligible
Student Spouse/Partner Semester $130 Not Eligible Not Eligible 
Faculty/Staff  $173 $519 $43.25
Faculty/Staff Spouse/Partner $173 $519 $43.25
Retiree/60+ Membership $130 $390 $32.50
Dependent (under 18) $65 $195 $16.25

Ohio State Affiliate Pricing

Affiliates are members of the following organizations with appropriate identification: Ohio State Alumni Association, Faculty Club member, President's Club member, Columbus State Community College (faculty and staff), ENGIE, Campus Parc, Battelle Memorial Institute staff and Chemical Abstracts staff. 

Rates Effective August 1, 2024 Semester Annually Monthly*
Affiliate  $217 $651 $54.25
Affiliate Spouse/Partner $217 $651 $54.25
Sponsored Adult** $217 $651 $54.25
Dependent (under 18) $65 $195 $16.25

*Monthly rate only available when paying annual membership by payroll deduction or recurring credit card payments. 

*Memberships may be purchased online or at the RPAC Welcome Center.

**Members are restricted to one sponsored adult membership at a time.

Short Term Memberships and Guest Passes

Are you interested in trying the facilities, but not ready to make a long term commitment? Have a visitor in town who wants to join you at the gym? A guest pass may be the perfect fit. Faculty and staff and recognized affiliates are eligible to purchase guest passes and short term memberships. Visit the guest pass page for more information.

Family and Other Memberships

Memberships may be purchased for family members of students, faculty and staff. Members may add their spouse or partner and legal dependents under 18 to their membership for an additional fee. Dependent children can only be added to monthly memberships in person at the RPAC Welcome Center.