Office of Student Life

Space Reservations

All events and gatherings must follow state, local and university protocols to protect all involved. Note that all guidance is subject to change based on health guidance.

Daily activities are permitted. Overnight activities are not at this time.

All events must be approved in advance through one of the below protocols. University venues are prepared to help event sponsors through the process and requirements to facilitate safe events.

  • Event organizers who want to hold an event at a university approved venue should work directly with the venue contact. 
  • University event organizers who want to hold an event at an off-campus (third-party) venue should work with their director to obtain approvals.  

An event is defined as a planned activity, other than academic classes scheduled as part of the university curriculum, that is held in a university building or outdoor space on a university campus or with a community partner. A gathering is defined as a formal or informal assembly of people that is either planned or spontaneous.

These restrictions do not prohibit gatherings for the purpose of the expression of First Amendment-protected speech.

We greatly appreciate the commitment made by the members of our university community to keep each other as safe as possible, and we are grateful for your understanding should this process need to change.  

Request a Space Today

Student Organization requests for outdoor space, may be made through the Buckeye Event Network website. A limited number of recreational sports meeting spaces and other Student Life facilities may be reserved using the online space request tool.  For additional help using the Space Request Tool please download our Space Request Tool - Quick Guide.